Christian singers/songwriters Kari Jobe and Cody Carnes are gearing up for their upcoming wedding on November 21st, and the engaged couple are shouting their excitement from the rooftops as the special day nears.
Just last week, the worship leaders were thrown a surprise wedding shower by their family and friends. "Tonight our @gatewayworship family threw us a wedding shower," Kari wrote on a photo of the event posted on her Facebook page. "Sweet night!! My heart was so happy and thankful. And my man @codycarnes looked so handsome! I love this season."
The 33-year-old Jobe is best known for her Grammy-nominated hit album "Where I Find You" and her self-titled debut album released in 2009, as well as her work with Christian worship band Gateway Worship. She currently works as an associate worship pastor alongside her father at Gateway Church in Southlake, Texas.
Cody Carnes proposed to Jobe in August of this year, and Jobe quickly spread the news all over her social media pages. "I said YES!!!! Thankful to be swept off my feet by my amazing @codycarnes," she wrote on Instagram. "You won my heart and I gladly give it to you. You're my miracle. Can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you. You are strong, courageous, bold, romantic, Godly, sweet..and my man. I love you."
Carnes is the worship pastor at Scottsdale, Arizona's Gateway Church after working at the Southlake location for several years. His hits include All He Says I Am, Savior's Here, and Victory.
The couple has made their wedding registry public for anyone interested, and potential gifts include everything from blenders to video game console accessories.
Although the two haven't stated anything officially, Jobe has recently expressed her desires to have a family after a visit with family. "Spent some sweet time with my favorite little human today," she wrote on a Facebook photo of her holding her nephew, Duke Hudson. "He tried to work out with me & @krislaymon ..and he laughed the whole time. We ate snacks and tried to formulate words and then...he said 'Auntie' for the first time. He makes me excited to be a mommy one day since being an auntie is the best thing I've ever done. I love you #DukeHudson ..you're a gift."
Kari and Cody plan to marry on November 21 in Southlake, Texas.