PENNSYLVANIA -- Christian students from Bible Club at a school in Pennsylvania are enraged over banning them from posting their materials regarding “See You At the Pole” and “True Love Waits” events, saying it is violation against “separation of Church and State.”
The students are fighting back with Attorney Leonard Brown with the Lancaster firm of Clymer and Musser saying the school district has violated the right of the students to free exercise of religion and speech.
"In that situation it certainly infringes on their rights, specifically the right to free exercise of religion and free speech," Brown says.
"We're trying to work with the school district," he says. "We haven't rushed into court to file anything because the school district appears to be opening to changing their policies."
Diane Gramley, president of the American Family Association of Pennsylvania, feels it is essential for the students and parents to be aware of their rights under U.S. law. "Christians do not have to drop their constitutionally protected free speech at the schoolhouse door," she says.
Upon Brown’s request on the district to adopt poster and literature distribution policies that will accommodate all students and campus groups, the district agreed that all posters will be reviewed, and the student's legal representatives will be informed before any posters are denied.