The Christian Educators Association International's (CEAI) 35th National Convention has been scheduled for July 15-18, in Palm Beach Gardens, Fla.
About 250 Christian teachers across the U.S. will come together to discuss the controversial issues concerning same sex marriage, abortion, and religious freedom in the classroom from a Christian perspective, in order to encourage teachers to voice for public and private schools.
"As Christian teachers, we are deeply concerned about cultural issues," Finn Laursen, CEAI Executive Director stated in the press release. "Take gay marriage. Don't think that children are not aware of the gay marriage movement. It is no secret that it is after children's minds. Gay marriage is not only being aggressively promoted to the culture, it is being modeled in the media in front of our children by thousands of couples and even celebrities such as Rosie O'Donnell. Now it has been legalized in Massachusetts and threatens to spread throughout the culture."
According to Laursen, the conference will be led by several guest speakers, the first being Matthew Staver, President of Liberty Counsel, who will present the conservative Christian views on same-sex marriage. Laursen told Christian Post that the session will “help our teachers understand that God is not been removed from public classroom and that this nation is built based on Christian principals.”
Other speakers at the conference include Sissy Jochman, chair of the National Education Association (NEA) Conservative Educators Caucus, and Jeralee Smith, chair of the NEA Ex-Gay Educators Caucus. Speaking on behalf of ex-gays who have walked away from the homosexual lifestyle, Smith will emphasize that there is choice involved in life and encourage teachers to fight against liberal agenda. The theme of this year is "One Nation Under God—With No Child Left Behind."
"Nowhere is the current culture war more pronounced than in the field of education. The classroom has become a battlefield of ideas. There are many special interests promoting a worldview that would push the Christian perspective out of the schoolhouse entirely,” Laursen said in the press release.
Noting that Christians have “higher accountability” since God has sent his son to die for us, Laursen said CEAI will also talk about bringing the Bible back to the classroom at the conference.
Through this conference, Laursen added that CEAI is hoping to encourage and equip power of Christian teachers and help them to be open about their faith so that they can be a good role model for their peers, parents, and for their students.
"Our mission is to respond to this challenge by equipping educators. We must rededicate ourselves to promote educational excellence as an expression of Christian commitment, preserve Judeo-Christian heritage and values through education, and set the record straight: God has not been ruled out of the public schools," he said.
CEAI also holds conferences at the local level. This year, CEAI will be holding 12 local conferences across the nation.
For registration and information, contact CEAI toll free at (888) 798-1124 or visit