Christianity Grows in Thailand

Living stories from Thailand: from worshipping idols to worshipping God

A good news is being heard from the Bible League ministry. Bible League is gaining victory in spreading gospel in Thailand.

Bible League shares a story of Sawan who recently converted into Christianity from Buddhism. The Holy Spirit guided his spirit which made him to destroy all the idols that he used to serve and started a new life with Christ.

Sawan, born into a Buddhist family in Thailand, was on a spiritual quest. Despite studying for the Buddhist priesthood for four years, he still felt empty inside. He became so disillusioned he left the priesthood. He continued to have unanswered questions.

A gifted painter and sculptor, Sawan soon became well known as a creator of religious art for Buddhists temples around the world. As a matter of fact, some of his paintings depicting the life of Buddha are currently on display at Buddhist temples in the United States. In addition to painting, in his village he served as a fortuneteller and leader of pagan ceremonies. Thai Buddhism is heavily influenced by the worship of multiple deities that must be appeased by frequent ritual offerings, which Sawan led.

Although Sawan diligently practiced the folk Buddhism he knew, he never found peace.

It was when he was 53 years old, that he first heard the story of Jesus when a Christian in his village shared his testimony and gave him a Bible. Hungry for spiritual nourishment, Sawan voraciously read the Scriptures every day. In it he found the answers he had craved. He became a Christian and immediately destroyed all of his former idols. Now, instead of idol worship, he worships the one true Living God. Every Sunday evening more than 30 people meet in his home for Bible study and worship.

Bible League explains that Sawan is just one example of what is happening in Southeast Asia. The Holy Spirit will continue work through the area where Christianity is not open together with the Bible League and local churches.