Christians continue missions despite risks

Many Christians in the United States are pushing for missionary safety, following the deaths of several missionaries in recent months and the reported violence taking place in several nations in the South East and the Middle East. However Christians in countries where the Gospel is receiving opposition are taking a different approach.

David Shibley of Global Advance says Christians are taking risks all over the world. “I’ve met many pastor in several nations who have had to place their families in hiding at different points simply to plant churches in unreached areas and in areas where people are very hostile to the Gospel message.” However rather than allowing the risks to confine the missions, several mission groups such as Global Advance continue on with their mission work. This year, Global Advance is holding around 40 conferences worldwide. “Frontline Shepherd’s Conference”, which Global Advance holds all over the world is designed to give Christian leaders the tools they need to help them to evangelize.

Global Advance realizes the risk behind holding the conferences, and there is concern for the safety of the attendants, and so much prayer focus is on their safety. But moreso than their focus on safety is their focus on the outreach missions. Shibley says that what’s happening now in worldwide outreach is incredible. “There are now more cross culture missionaries being deployed from non-western nations than from western nations. That’s a victory for the church aroundt he world as the church worldwide takes ownership in the Great Commission.”

Continuing, Shibley said, “This month as we celebrate the crucifixion and the resurrection of our Lord, these men are proclaiming that wonderful message and we need to get behind them with our love and our prayers and our affirmation.”

Although the risk is present, even moreso is the trust in the sovereignty of the Lord. “The Lord has been very gracious to us in that all of our conferences have been safe over these last 14 years.” Global Advance and other mission groups alike are seeking the continual prayers of the Christian community in their efforts to fulfill the Great Commission.