LONDON -- In the aftermath of the latest attacks in London, tensions have once again been raised by efforts of terrorists to instigate fear among the British people. However, despite the attempts by terrorists to bring chaos to the streets, Londoners have responded with spirit and resilience, according to Church leaders.
Over the past week senior clergy have praised the spirit shown by Londoners in the wake of the terror to hit the city. At a vigil held at Trafalgar Square last week, the Bishop of London, the Rev. Richard Chartres, used the opportunity to honor the work of Londoners to get the city moving and operating as normal once again.
Chartres said, "For the emergency services, for the police and all those working in the hospitals for the men and women who continue to drive our buses and tubes, we are proud of them and grateful to them. They are Christians and Muslims, Jews, Hindus, Sikhs and people of no particular faith but they all are Londoners.
"These criminal actions are a call to Christians, Muslims, Jews, Hindus and Sikhs, people of every kind of faith and none, to reject the idolatrous fantasies which set community against community and to walk in the way of the spirit, whose fruits are love and joy and peace," he added.
In addition, the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Rev. Rowan Williams commented, "London goes on as usual with great courage and great calm. The anxiety, of course, is the knowledge that it seems to be British-born people and it’s just a reminder that terrorism knows no boundaries. I think emotionally it makes it harder for people"
The leader of the 70-million member worldwide Anglican Communion tried to rally Londoners and help them realize, with a thankful heart, all that they should be grateful for.
Williams said, "There’s a lot to be grateful for, a lot of openings, a lot of willingness to work together and that is crucial for the future."
In addition to the individual statements made by the heads of each mainstream Christian denomination against the bombings, a joint statement was also released from religious leaders of all faiths, including Christians, Muslims, Sikhs and Jews. The statement read, "Attacks on the innocent can never be justified by any argument, religious or secular.
"Solidarity amongst all faiths and cultures is vital at a time of sorrow and anger and we must continue to stand firmly together to show that what unites us is stronger than the evil that tries to divide us," it added.