Supercell has experienced numerous issues for the past months after their biggest "Clash of Clans" update including "Town Hall 11." The company however is now striving hard to win back their fans with another update.
Release Date
Design and Trend reported that Supercell is already working on another update for "Clash of Clans." Fans need not wait that long either, because it will be released this month.
New Troops
While the exact date of the release is still unknown, some leaks about the upcoming update have already been reported.
First, a Reddit user named sPanser released that the update will come with three brand new troops that can be unlocked by players at Town Hall 10. These troops include a skull-like fighter called a rocketeer and a wizard, called the Chain Lightning. The names are enough to make fans excited.
More details might be released soon, but it is speculated that Chain Lightning will have the ability to strike several targets at one time. The character is also associated to ZapWizard. According to the user, "Clash of Clans" might also recognize the mini P.E.K.K.A from their new game, "Clash Royale.
New Matchmaking
According to GottaBeMobile, gamers can expect better matchmaking with this new update. Players can expect better fights because there is a new system in place, making the game more exciting. Under this new system, losing clans can now work together with another clan that is also at the losing end. Groups with already 30 wins and above cannot be paired with a level 8 clans, or those with already more than 130 victories.
Even without this update, the game is already widely popular. According to Attack of the Fan Boy, the game now brings in more than 100 million players a day. This makes the free game one of the most successful mobile games in history. When it was released a few years back, the game was already earning $654,000 a day. With this new numbers in, one can only imagine how the sales and profits grew leaps and bounds. In response to the positive feedback that they have been receiving, Supercell released a video entitled 100 Million Thank Yous.