College Students Complete 3,000 Miles Walk

On Saturday, August 14, Crossroads, a non-profit, non-partisan group of Pro-Life college students from all over the country, held a rally at Upper Senate Park in Washington D.C.

The theme of the gathering was to restore America to traditional family values. Attendants at the event were mostly students who participated in the 3,000 miles walk from the West Coast to the Capital. Los Angeles and San Francisco were the two starting cities of the walk.

Martha Nolan, Crossroads director, explained that it was a great achievement for those who walked across America to demonstrate their pro-Life viewpoints and to “witness to the dignity and sanctity of every human life, from conception, until natural death.”

“This is a great opportunity for those who’ve taken part in this three-month pilgrimage to have a wonderful sense of conclusion and accomplishment. Three thousand miles in three months. Though we have had successful walks every summer since 1995, this is an outstanding achievement,” Nolan said.

Crossroads was founded in 1995 in response to Pope John Paul II’s call for the youth of America to preach the Gospel of Life to the world. Since then, Crossroads has held its cross country pro-life trek every summer in hope to catch world attention for its pro-life viewpoints.