Twenty-four pastors from Denver, Colorado are connecting with a group of pastors from Colombia to find ways to spread the Gospel across the persecuted country, according to a report by Mission Network News.
In a place such as Colombia where headlines continually blare out the latest violence and troubles, calls from the church in Colombia came back unanswered for many years, as they suffered from oppression and lack of resources. However, the group of American pastors are now there forging new relationships following a recent trip to Colombia that created a bond between two church bodies.
Recently an Open Doors delegation traveled to Colombia to meet with pastors from all over Colombia and build a vision to partnership. Mission Network News’ Dave Culross, who joined the delegation, reported, “The pastors from Denver will be seeing firsthand what the persecute church is suffering in a war torn country in South America. The reports come across our newswires all the time of the hostages being taken, rebels slaughtering government officials, and this impacts the church there as well. We are expecting some outstanding results from this pioneering effort. No one else is doing anything of this nature in Colombia, and we expect it to have a tremendous impact on the outreach of the Gospel there.”
Open Doors’ Latin America director, Richard Luna says the delegation of church leaders from Colorado adopted Colombia’s church. “The Lord has placed in these pastors in Denver the possibility of expressing unity in mission,” Luna commented, “This is an impact that’s for the nation of Colombia, for the city of Denver. As that multiplies, that’s the ‘bread and the fish’. When the Lord multiplies the bread and fish, I think, in a sense, the Lord is raising up Colombia, with an incredible testimony.”
Luna gave his opinion on why the trip embodies the spirit of encouragement. “I think, worse than suffering, is suffering alone. Presence is a ministry on its own. Even that is enough. But, with their coming, if Nehemiah built Jerusalem with brick and mortar, these pastors are building Jerusalem with Bibles.”
So although the assistance was slow in coming, a new message has been formed and carried to the church in Colombia: “You haven’t been forgotten.”