FORT WAYNE, Ind. – Concordia Theological Seminary is providing an opportunity for those who are interested in learning various theological topics to learn from excellent Concordia scholars through retreats which will are scheduled to be held in September, once the new academic school year begins. Four retreats are scheduled to take place in September and October:
Equipped to Serve (September 17-10):
It is an annual retreat for congregation officers, elders, and other lay leaders is led by Dr. Harold L. Senkbeil, Associate Professor of Pastoral Ministry and Missions at the seminary. Topics covered during the weekend include "Who are We?-Understanding and Confessing Lutheran Doctrine"; "What is Our Purpose?-Gaining Fresh Perspective on Lutheran Life and Worship"; "Where Are We Headed?-Learning New Tools for Lutheran Mission and Service."
According to Concordia, the retreat also explores methods of developing effective leadership, reaching inactives, evangelizing the lost, and teaching the faithful.
"Our identity as Lutherans drives not only what we teach, but what we do as well," commented Prof. Senkbeil. "Our conviction that God is truly present to forgive sins by means of His Gospel preached and sacraments administered drives everything we do as Lutherans. Our congregations' worship, nurture, and outreach all revolve around this central reality."
Cost $135.00 - includes food and housing
Enter the Biblical World: A Retreat to Refresh and Renew (October 8 9, 2004):
It’s a retreat focusing on the family. One of the featured speakers will be seminary President, Dr. Dean O. Wenthe as he presents "God's Good Gift of the Family." Other topics explored by various CTS faculty will be: "The Health of the Christian Family," "Luther's View of the Family," and "The Christian Family and Other Cultures."
Concordia said this retreat offers a great opportunity for members of the CTS faculty and student body to interact informally in a social setting.
The Christian Family: God's Grace in Every Stage of Life (October 11-15, 2004):
This year’s Lutherhostel retreat will offer Laypeople of all ages to gain a new insight of God's work in all the stages of our life, from birth to dealing with end-of-life issues through intense Bible study.
Christian professionals will share their vast experience in everything from family catechesis to ethical issues and addressing challenges faced by today's Christian family in every stage of life.
Cost $375.00 - includes food, housing and receptions
God, What Do We Make of Him - A Study of the Trinity (October 15-17, 2004):
This special Confirmation Retreat, led by the Rev. John M. Dreyer, Admission Counselor at CTS, is designed for youth who are currently receiving confirmation instruction. During this critical time in their lives, young people are inundated with conflicting messages telling them what is really important.
"Life, comfort, and peace do not come from knowing this world, but from knowing God," said Rev. Dreyer.
He will focus on God's clear Word concerning His plan for their lives. Highlights on the schedule include worship in Kramer Chapel, a scavenger hunt, and recreation time in the campus gymnasium.
Cost $100.00 per person - includes food and housing