Concordia Theological Seminary (CTS) is holding several events in July and the upcoming Fall.
Prior to the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod Convention which will take place in St. Louis, July 10-15, CTS is planning to hold an Open House on Monday, July 12, 7:30 p.m.- 10:00 p.m. at the Renaissance Grand Hotel in St. Louis for CTS alumni and faculty members.
Throughout the summer, CTS will offer an opportunity for people to hear more about CTS in terms of the admission process, supporting the seminary, and exciting events planned for the 2004-2005 academic year as the CTS representatives visit different cities. Listed below are the locations and dates of the upcoming events:
Ongoing Ambassadors for Christ Summer Gathering
Denver, Colo.
July 6-12, 2004
Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod 62nd Regular Convention
St. Louis, Mo.
July 10-15, 2004
Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod Youth Gathering
Orlando, Fla.
July 24-28, 2004
Higher Things Youth Gathering
Seattle, Wash.
August 3-6, 2004
In September a lay leadership retreat, Equipped to Serve, will take place on the campus of CTS from the 17th to the 19th. Topics that will be discussed during the retreat include "Who are We?" - Understanding and confessing Lutheran doctrine; "What is our Purpose? - Gaining fresh perspective on Lutheran life and worship; and "Where are we Headed? - Learning new tools for Lutheran mission and service.
Participants can register for the retreat by contacting Community Services by telelphone, or registering at
In November, CTS will be hosting a tour to Germany, in remembrance of Martin Luther from the 13th to the 23rd. The tour titled, “The Steps of Martin Luther” is the second event that CTS is organizing in memory of Martin Luther. The first event took place on the campus of CTS in March of 2004 -- an exhibit from Germany of Luther memorabilia, “Martin Luther-the Reformer” will take people to the land of Luther.