Slovakia - The Assosiation of evangelic youth (SEM) which gather around 3000 young evangelic people from the whole Slovak republic, prepared on 14-17th of november Conference of the Association of evangelic youth. The main topic of this year's conference was took from Isaiah 6:8-9 "Here am I, send me!"
The president of SEM Dusan Sandor, the secretory of SEM Dusan Marsala, Peter Mozala univerzity chaplain, and other evangelic reverends working with youth and guests from ECAV in Slovakia have been invited.
In four days could young people join number of lectures -Who am I? (by Jozef Simek), Motivations-right and wrong (by Dusan Marsala), How we grow (Stano Gurka), seminaries on themes considering the friendship with non-believers, creative mission, counselling, music, life in comunity, social work and join the discussions in groupes, and meditate on "how we are able to fight against our own egoism and serve better to God and others".
The important part was the Evening of testimonies and praises.
Conference of SEM was insured by regional center in Dolny Kubin, coworking with regional center in Levice, and the work of SEM from Kosice moves slowly to other slovak cities Dolny Kubin, Levice, Bratislava and Velky Slavkov.