Cooperative Missions Challenge Launched After Historic Service

A historic service celebrating the launch of the Acts 1:8 Challenge was broadcasted live over the internet yesterday May 19 at 7PM EST. Associations, state conventions, the North American Mission Board (NAMB) and the International Mission Board (IMB) joined the celebration, including the full NAMB and IMB trustee boards.

The service, held at First Baptist Church of Woodstock, highlighted Southern Baptist mission efforts taking place at the local, state, national and international levels. The Acts 1:8 Challenge is designed to help churches as they unite with local associations, state conventions and national and international mission boards to more effectively reach the world around them for Christ. It also encourages churches to think of each as partners in reaching “Jerusalem”, “Judea”, “Samaria”, and “the ends of the earth” as Jesus describers in Acts 1:8. The concept will be reinforced at each level by simplified, coordinated communications designed to assist local churches in becoming world mission centers.

Prior to the historic launch, NAMB President Robert E. Reccord stated, “It will be a massive celebration of one of the most historic events Southern Baptists will ever have.”

“The two major mission boards are coming together along with associations and state conventions to say ‘We’re going to do everything we can to work together to assist the churches as they live our the biblical call to missions’,” Reccord added.

IMB President Jerry Rankin commented, “I’m really excited about this vision and the level of cooperation between our … denominational entities – not to focus on promoting our own programs, but to facilitate how Southern Baptists fulfill that Kingdom vision of reaching our world for Jesus Christ.”

Churches can register for the Acts 1:8 Challenge online through their website –