CP Cartoonist: Dan Lietha

Hi. My name is Dan Lietha. Like most cartoonists, I have been drawing since I was a child. In grade school I used to receive mixed reviews about my drawing. Most teachers thought I could draw well but they wished I would draw things more acceptable to them rather than the dinosaurs and monsters I loved to draw. Funny, now my profession requires me to draw lots of dinosaurs and I even have illustrated three books about dinosaurs or including dinosaurs. I still love drawing dinosaurs! If only I could show my teachers what I do now!

In 1987, I Graduated from The Joe Kubert School of Cartoon and Graphic Art. I have been a full-time professional cartoonist since 1991. From 1991-1996 I worked as a staff cartoonist at Mello Smello in Minneapolis, Minnesota. This company produces mostly products for children like stickers, posters, fun meal type bags and boxes, and window clings. It was 5 years of great art experience.

In 1994, a comic strip named CreationWise became my personal side-line project. My desire was to get the message to the church about the need to get back to the foundational book of their faith, Genesis. In 1995, samples of this comic strip were sent to Answers in Genesis. One month later I found myself working on my first children's book, A is for Adam, written by Ken & Mally Ham. My drawing for AiG continued on a volunteer basis for 2 years and in 1997, I started working for Answers in Genesis as their full-time staff illustrator. My responsibilities are to produce illustrations for the AIG speakers to use during their lectures, illustrate books, create cartoons for the monthly newsletter and for the web site, www.AnswersInGenesis.org. On my own time I produce cartoons for my own web site (www.danltoons.com). My wife Marcia and I currently live in Northern Kentucky.

I received Jesus Christ into my life as a young child as Lord and Savior. Interestingly enough, art played a part in my hearing the Gospel message on that life changing night. I am thankful for the place the Lord has put me in. Praise God He can use cartoonists!