Now that Daredevil has finished airing its Season 2, it is time to talk about what is next for the latest series from Marvel and Netflix. In case you are not aware, Netflix has four shows that are all a part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (the same one that Avengers and Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. takes place) and they are (in order of release) Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, Iron Fist, and then a joining of all characters on The Defenders.
We have already written a review and recap of Daredevil Season 2, and although there was a lot of big conflict, the stories were, for the most part, drawn to a close. This is spoiler for those who didn't spend the weekend watching it, Daredevil/Matt Murdock (Charlie Cox) got to meet The Punisher/Frank Castle (Jon Bernthal). By the end of the season, Frank is essentially at large and presumably going to continue is violent one-man war on crime, bearing his trademark skull on his chest.
There was a lot of talk that the Punisher was going to have his own TV series, but unless the fan reaction for him is huge, that probably won't happen. The Punisher has already had three movie adaptations, and none of them have ever proven box-office blockbusters. The fact that Frank finds a disc with a label named "Micro" from his house might be a reference to the character of Microchip, who is a side character who builds weapons and technology for Frank to continue his brand of vigilante justice.
Season 2 of Daredevil also introduced to this new Cinematic version of Elektra (Elodie Yung), an old flame of Matt who was killed at the last episode. Of course, it looks like her body was dug up and then put in that strange sarcophagus that has been draining lifeforce from its victims. In the comics, Elektra has been resurrected before, and it certainly looks like she will be back in the Marvel Cinematic Universe as well.
The issue was that there was so little from Jessica Jones Season 1 that carried over to Daredevil Season 2. There was no mention of Kilgrave, but there was brief mention of Jessica Jones from a competing law firm of Nelson and Murdock. Also, it was great to see that Foggy Nelson (Elden Henson) talking with Jeri Horgarth (Carrie-Anne Moss) about working for her.
One thing that happened at the end of Daredevil Season 2 that was a shock was a trailer for Luke Cage. It was a teaser trailer, and it just showed that Luke Cage (Mike Colter) is indeed bulletproof (but it was still quite awesome). The show will premiere on September 30, 2016.
According to Den of Geek, Colter has stated that "you will see some crossover characters as you already noticed on the previous series" as well as "you're going to notice that you're in Harlem as opposed to Hell's Kitchen".
As far as the cast of Luke Cage, it will feature Detective Rafael Scarfe (Frank Whaley), who is an ally of Cage. The villain of the show will be Cornell "Cottonmouth" Stokes (Mahershala Ali), a Harlem nightclub owner involved in many criminal activities, as well as Shades (Theo Rossi).
Rosario Dawson, who has appeared as "Night Nurse" Claire Temple on both Daredevil and Jessica Jones will be reprising her role, possibly as a love interest for Luke Cage. Since she quit her job at the end of Daredevil Season 2, it looks like this is where she will end up. It's kind of like what happened to Luke at the end of Jessica Jones.
Speaking of characters that could be reprising their roles, this is a good time to discuss the policeman Brett Mahoney (Royce Johnson) who has also appeared on Daredevil and Jessica Jones. Maybe he will show up on Luke Cage as well.
Then there is Iron Fist, and that has at least been cast with Finn Jones as the title character. Iron Fist has more of a mystical feel to it, and Daredevil was certainly not short on mysticism with the Hand and Black Sky. It is possible that Madame Gao (Wai Ching Ho) is going to figure in, and the drug she sells of Steel Serpent is a reference to the Iron Fist foe of the same name.
So it looks like Marvel is spacing out these Netflix seasons six months apart, so that could postpone Season 3 of Daredevil in spring of 2017 at the earliest. That is, unless Marvel wants to ramp up production on these. After all, these characters will appear together in The Defenders, so it is really just a matter of time before they all get together and fight...something. Perhaps it will be Wilson Fisk (Vincent D'Onofrio), who came as a complete surprise for Season 2 of Daredevil.
In fact, the way that Kingpin was talking to Matt Murdock, it looked like it was going to lead to a Daredevil "Born Again" storyline, perhaps for Season 3. There is always a possibility that these characters could show up in Captain America: Civil War.