Own an Xbox One, but would love to enjoy some of the older titles that have been released on the previous generation Xbox 360? That is what being backward compatible is all about, and it seems that those who would love to get some Dead Space 2 and 3 game time in on their Xbox One will be able to do so now, thanks to these titles making their way to the Xbox One backward compatible list. This is a cult classic, being a horror story that is set in space, and both Dead Space 2 and 3 will also be accompanied by another four titles.
Now that Dead Space 2 and Dead Space 3 have joined up in the Xbox One backward compatibility list, this means that the entire trilogy is playable on the Xbox One through backward compatibility. Needless to say, this is further proof that patience has its rewards. Both of these sequels will continue in the tradition of space horror, something that the first Dead Space title introduced to gamers all those years ago. It is the storyline that is supposed to be gripping, as you play the role of the protagonist Isaac Clark. In the game itself, you will find yourself pitted against the likes of Necromorphs (which can be a creature right out of your own nightmare!), struggling to survive while looking for a way to bring the alien plague to an end. It is also important to take note that this is the very first time where both titles can be purchased digitally on the Xbox 360 Marketplace, providing yet more options for the masses who would love to get some classic gaming sessions in.
Assuming all things Dead Space are not your cup of tea, then there are other options available in the growing Backward Compatible list. Cabela’s stable of hunting titles can also be purchased, including the likes of Cabela's Hunting Expeditions, Dangerous Hunts 2013, Survival: SoK, and Alaskan Adventures. Regardless of which Cabela title you pick, each of them will allow you to venture right into the wilds, as you lawfully shoot down digital wildlife such as deer, bears and others in the safety and comfort of your home. There is no need to worry about harming the endangered species in the world, and neither do you have to worry about mosquitoes and leeches, among other wildlife in the area.
For those folks who already happen to own any of these titles at the moment, this means you are now able to play them on the Xbox One right this very instant. Alternatively, if you have not owned any of these but would like to give them a go, why not check out the Xbox 360 Marketplace in order to get started? We do look forward to see Dead Space 2 and Dead Space 3 make an appearance in any future game listings for Xbox Live Games with Gold subscriptions, just like how its predecessor did. What are some of the games that you would like to see make the cut in a Backward Compatible list?