India – Dozens of Christians were displaced as the officials in Hyderabad, India, closed down their church, Nov. 10. According to Grace Ministries International, the believers are searching for a new place to house their growing ministry.
"The police stormed in and took our pastor to the police station and detained him for the whole day. One of our neighbors (the one who is very anti-Christian) made a written complaint to the police commissioner that we were a nuisance to them with our ministry. I was away at one of our village church services. Upon my return, I had to go to the police station where I was able to get him out on bail,” said Sam Vinton with GMI.
"The police have given eviction orders to our church. They have not been able to find any place to rent because, again, the owners are Hindu or they ask for exorbitant prices,” continued Vinton, “The Christians are pretty shaken up. This is the first time that they've ever had any kind of thing like this happen to them. They can sense a real persecution against Christians."
Despite the raid, Vinton reported that ten Hindus became believers this month. It's reassuring to the church that ministry continues.
"The Lord keeps working in spite of this. It's sort of difficult to really sort all this out. All we do know is that the Christians sense very strongly that they are sort of being marked as people to persecute."