With the estimated release date for Destiny's House of Wolves DLC coming before June, Bungie continues to be tight-lipped with details concerning the second expansion.
Despite lackluster reviews and the Dark Below DLC debacle, Destiny continues to maintain a loyal following - now more than 9.5 million strong in regards to the number of registered players.
There may be no official confirmation on content such as weapons, maps, and armor for the House of Wolves DLC. Still, there have been tidbits of rumors that have been making the rounds on the internet recently. In the sections below, we will explore the latest buzz.
Queen's Wrath PvE Event May Return with House of Wolves
Recently, a Redditor discovered three new missions that are apparently for a rumored second Queen's Wrath Bounties PvE event. Apparently, the event may be launched days prior to the House of Wolves release.
So far, Bungie has neither confirmed nor denied whether a second Queen's Wrath event is in the works. In the first Queen's Wrath Bounty event, player took on bounties given by the monarch of the Reefs. Upon completing the bounties, the players receive awards consisting of special content such as new armor and weaponry. Each bounty consists of missions where players eliminate a certain character.
The following were listed in the official Destiny blog, and later cited Reddit posting by THConer:
Moluk, Wormwaker - Defeat Molik, Wormwaker in "The Seeding" mission in the Cosmodrome on Earth.
Nycor, Reborn - Defeat Nycor, Reborn in "The Veil Lifted" mission in the Cosmodrome on Earth.
Watchers of Crota - Defeat the Watchers of Crota in "The Wakening" mission on the Moon.
Bungie's Reaction to Reddit Leaks
What little information exists comes from a leak via Reddit. Back in February, Megamanexe4 released images of new armor, weapons, and levels. Interestingly, the same poster claimed that the House of Wolves DLC would be ready by May 2015.
Bungie has since then denied the May launch date, and suggested the leaked contents may never be released with the final product. As with any leaks, suggestions should be taken with a grain of salt.
Since the Destiny release in 2014, the game has sold over 10 million copies. At this time, Bungie is working on increasing the dimension of the Vault storage. This chance is slated for release with Update 1.1.2. Currently, players can only store 20 pieces of armor, 20 weapons, and 20 general items. With the new update, the vault storage will be increased to 24 armor pieces, 36 weapons, and 24 general items. According to Bungie, Update 1.1.2 will likely be released in April.