The animated film The King of Kings, produced by Angel Studios, is set for a global release on April 11, 2025. Based on the works of British literary giant Charles Dickens, the movie tells the story of an imaginative boy who embarks on a journey through the life of Jesus Christ as narrated by his father.
Adapted from Dickens' short story The Life of Our Lord, the film focuses on the days of Jesus on earth. In a unique storytelling approach, Dickens himself takes center stage as the protagonist, guiding his son through the extraordinary life of Jesus—from His humble birth in Bethlehem to His miracles, sacrifice, and resurrection. Through this journey, the boy gradually comes to understand the power of love and forgiveness.
The film boasts a star-studded voice cast, with Oscar Isaac voicing Jesus, Kenneth Branagh portraying Charles Dickens, and Pierce Brosnan lending his voice to Pontius Pilate. Uma Thurman takes on the role of Dickens’ wife, Catherine. Other notable cast members include Mark Hamill, Ben Kingsley, and Forest Whitaker.
Directed by Seong-ho Jang, the film showcases his expertise in animation and emotionally rich storytelling.
Inspired by The Life of Our Lord, A Testament to Dickens’ Christian Faith
Notably, The Life of Our Lord—the inspiration behind the film—was a work Dickens wrote for his children between 1846 and 1849. Every Christmas, he would read the book aloud to them until his passing. However, the work remained largely unknown to the public.
Before his death, Dickens explicitly stated in his will that the manuscript was not to be published until all of his children had passed away. In this deeply personal account, Dickens set aside his usual literary techniques and adopted a warm and simple narrative, sharing engaging stories in a fatherly tone full of love and guidance. It was not until 1934 that his family finally decided to publish the book, making it available to the public.
Dubbed "the most authoritative work in Dickens' writings," The Life of Our Lord highlights a side of Dickens that is often overlooked—his deep engagement with Christian faith. In God and Charles Dickens: Recovering the Christian Voice of a Classic Author, scholar Gary L. Colledge argues that Christian themes were central in some of Dickens' works, particularly The Life of Our Lord, and were implicitly woven throughout his other characters and plots. As Dickens’ Christian perspective is seldom examined, Colledge’s research sheds fresh light on the faith that shaped the celebrated author’s storytelling.
Having previously released successful films such as Sound of Freedom, Angel Studios is poised to continue its impact in the faith-based film industry. The King of Kings promises to deliver a moving story of hope, love, and redemption to audiences worldwide.
Watch the official trailer below.