Westminster Theological Seminary appointed Dr. Samuel T. Logan as the new Chancellor. Starting June 3, 2005, he will remain a full-time employee of the Seminary, serving the new president and the institution primarily through fund-raising, promotional work, and teaching, Westminster reported.
Upon his appointment, Dr. Logan said, “Susan and I will be right at sixty-two years of age when this transition occurs and we are thankful that the Lord has opened up this new path of service, which builds so much on our previous path of service at Westminster. In all of this, we see the Lord’s gracious hand, using Westminster to extend the knowledge of his glory in Jesus Christ until that knowledge covers the earth as the waters cover the sea.”
Dr. Logan served for 25 years at the seminary -- first as dean of students, then academic dean before taking the role as president in 1991. He has also taught in the practical theology, and then church history departments.
Westminster noted that the seminary expanded greatly over the years of Dr. Logan’s leadership. Westminster programs, enrollment, and support has grown from 578 students to 839 students in Philadelphia alone, with an additional campus in Dallas, and programs of study in New York, London, and Seoul.
Dr. Logan received his B.A. at Princeton University in1965; M.Div. at Westminster Theological Seminary in1968; and Ph.D. at Emory University in1972.
He also took on various roles before he came to Westminster. He served as a Teaching Assistant at Emory University in 1969; instructor in History at DeKalb Junior College in 1970; director of Department of American Studies at Barrington College from 1970 to1979; Assistant Professor of American Studies from 1970 on 19978; and Professor of American Studies from 1978 to 1979.
Among the books and articles that Dr. Logan wrote include, The Preacher and Preaching: Reviving the Art in the Twentieth Century (editor); Pressing Toward the Mark; Dictionary of Christianity in America; "The Hermeneutics of Jonathan Edwards," Westminster Theological Journal, Fall 1980; “Decline of the Calvinistical Religion in New England Between 1630 and 1776," Westminster Theological Journal, Spring 1988; "The Loss of Puritan Orthodoxy at Cambridge and Harvard," Paper of the Westminster Conference (London), 1993.