Dr. Sung Will Testify 2003 SARS Epidemic at Testimony Night: "Life Will Never be the Same Again"

"Even though there is time of hopelessness and darkness in life. However, God will give a way at dead end. When there is no one to rely, God is always there for us."

Asian Heroes Dr. Sung, who once fought against S.A.R.S will hold a testimony night in San Francisco on May 27th to 28th, titled , ‘Never be the Same’ to give hope and encouragement through two true stories.

Dr. Sung will discover the true value of life and hope behind the suffering behind two true stories of a doctor who fight against death and the struggling SARS patient who stand in between live or die.

Two years ago in 2003, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan and other Asia countries discovered a life threatening disease S.A.R.S (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) which has took away 296 lives in HK, put citizens under horror and hopelessness. The increasing figure of death each day forces people to rethink the purpose of life and the preciousness of life.

Pastor Stephen Mak, the associate Pastor of San Francisco Evangelical Free Church said, "After the incident of SARS, it leads the realization of the preciousness of life...the reason that the title was chosen is that even though there is time of hopelessness and darkness in life. However, God will give a way at dead end. When there is no one to rely, God is always there for us."

The testimony night will be on May 27 at Bay Area Chinese Bible Church at 7 p.m. and May 28 at San Francisco Evangelical Free Church at 1 p.m. and Lowell High School at 7:30 p.m. For further information, please contact (415) 391-0699 and website www.drsung.com.