Dual Language Program to Begin Airing in India

India - Leading the Way, the international radio ministry featuring Michael Youseff, will begin airing their dual language program in India at the end of March. Although Hindu fundamentalism continues to be an obstacle for Christians in India, Christian radio programming is developing and expanding in the country.

"We certainly believe that the good Lord wants us to be in India, primarily because this is the time when they need God's love. And, we feel that India is ready for it,” stated Yesdi Bhada of Leading the Way. The dual language program is expected to be very effective in reaching to the lost souls in India. With the program, many will be able to listen to the Word of God as they practice English. “Right now English is becoming a language of opportunity,” Bhada added.

The Hindu language will be the focus of this project, but more languages are being planned. Already there is a program in Punjabi, primarily for Pakistan, and the Bengali language is an upcoming goal for Leading the Way. "As far as the Bengali is concerned we have been told our producers have been threatened and they are very concerned about even producing a dual language program."

Leading the Way is currently gathering up finances to pay for translators, producers and air time, and also gathering up prayers, which are essential as the program moves forward. “I think we need to keep our partners in prayer. They’re taking a big risk.”

Having already gained success in communicating the truth of God’s Word through a variety of media, Leading the Way hopes to open up the missions in India through this dual radio program.