Star of one of the nation's most popular reality show endorses Texas Sen. Ted Cruz. Political experts say the endorsement could shake things up in the Republican nomination. The Texas senator and Donald Trump are essentially running neck and neck in the recent surveys.
On Wednesday, Duck Commander Phil Robertson announces that he is endorsing Cruz for the White House. "Ted Cruz is my man, I'm voting for him," the star of Duck Dynasty said.
In a video posted on YouTube, Robertson said his qualifications for president of the United States are just simple, "Is he or she Godly, does he or she love us, can he or she do the job, and finally would they kill a duck and put him in a pot and make him a good duck gumbo?"
Robertson stressed that Sen. Cruz is the man for the job. Not only that, the patriarch said the senator loves his country and God.
Cruz had dinner with the Robertson family on Sunday night. The senator said he is "thrilled" for the support of Robertson's family, who has great Christian faith and conservative values.
Phil Robertson owns a master's degree in education and spent several years teaching in Louisiana before going to the duck business.
Robertson's success story is an inspiration for everyone. The man started with something small and worked hard to achieve his goals. The Texas senator also compared Phil to his parents who worked really hard to achieve the American dream.
Meanwhile, a Des Moines Register/Bloomberg Politics survey revealed that 25 percent of Iowa Republican voters support Mr. Cruz while 22 percent back Mr. Trump. 12 percent is in favor of Senator Marco Rubio, and 11 percent is for Ben Carson.
Furthermore, the survey published on Wednesday found that most Iowans are not overly concerned with Mr. Cruz's Canadian roots and that they find his strong Christian values appealing. On another hand, Businessman Trump is seen as the candidate who will disrupt the way government works.
The two candidates are spending significant time and resources in Iowa ahead of the party rallies, the New York Times published.
In an article published in Time, it says Mr. Cruz has an enormous chance to become the first candidate to consolidate the GOP's social-conservative wing. The Texas senator also has fundraising firepower to sustain his presidential campaign.