Duck Dynasty Season 5 premier episode is scheduled to air Jan. 15. The Season 4 debut, which pulled in 11.8 million viewers in August, set a record for the cable channel.
Willie and Korie's foster daughter, Rebecca Robertson, has remained off-screen up until now, but she will be stepping out in front of the cameras in the new season.

The 24-year-old girl came to the family as an exchange student from Taiwan, and eventually, Willie and Korie took her in full-time as a foster child. Rebecca revealed on her Twitter that she has a new blog that you can follow. It is about the Duck & Dressing fashion, a boutique that she and Korie opened together in Monroe, Louisiana.
Willie and Korie Robertson have three biological kids: John Luke, Sadie and Bella. And they have adopted two children, Will and Rebecca. Will was adopted when he was 5 weeks old.
"I've done a lot of cool things in the past couple of years, I've been to Super Bowls, I've met Presidents - but the best decision we ever made - that made the biggest impact on our life was the adoption of our son Will," Willie said.
Korie is so proud of her new daughter, that she included her in her Twitter tagline: "Mom to four awesome kids plus a sweet exchange student who became ours."
Talking about her big family and the show, Korie said, "We just try to stick together and have fun, we laugh at ourselves and forgive each other. At the end of the day we sit down and thank God for our blessings and we're gonna continue to do that, and hopefully we can spread that message. And I think, as a country, if we can come back to that a little bit, we'll have a great 2014."
The official synopsis for the new season's first episode reads, "When Rebecca returns home from her internship in Los Angeles, the Robertson family plans a big surprise party to welcome her back. But when Willie thinks Rebecca has no plan for her future, he becomes concerned, and decides to find out how Rebecca plans to earn her keep as a member of his household. However, Willie is happily surprised to discover that Rebecca is a real go-getter, much like him. Meanwhile, when Uncle Si gets sick, he seeks the help of Ms. Kay to take care of him, but when Si takes over her living room, Phil takes issues with his new houseguest."
A&E's Duck Dynasty is the top-rated reality program on cable, second across all of cable to only "The Walking Dead" with an average 13.4 million viewers and 7.6 million adults 18-49 in live-plus-7 ratings.
Here is a sneak peek of the new season of Duck Dynasty: