'Duck Dynasty' Stars Uncle Si, Jase, and Missy Robertson Share Secrets to Long and Happy Marriage

Uncle Si
Season 10 of "Duck Dynasty" premieres July 6th on A&E at 9/8c. A&E

Several members of the "Duck Dynasty" Robertson family shared their secrets to a long and happy marriage in a preview of the upcoming season of the popular A&E show.

Jep, who has been married to his wife, Jessica, for 15 years, was the first to share his thoughts on the episode titled  "A Robertson Guide to a Happy Happy Happy Marriage," according to Yahoo! TV.

The youngest Robertson brother advised couples to listen to and surprise one another. For example, when he heard his wife Jessica speaking on the phone with a girlfriend and saying, "Hey, I saw this dress..." He immediately went to the store, picked up the dress and surprised her.

In turn, Uncle Si, who has been married for 43 years to "Miss Christine," recommended that couples compliment one another. Some of his favorite lines include, "You're like a magician. Every time you look at me, I might be hypnotized," "Somebody better call God because heaven is missin' an angel," and "You're on fire like donut grease."

Meanwhile, Jase and Missy Robertson, who have been married for 25 years, revealed that it's important to have a deep, undying commitment to one another.

To make her point, Missy shared the pragmatic way she and her husband got engaged: Jace uttered, "Well, you're gonna marry me, aren't ya?" Today, they have three children together. She added, "The truth is, romance can be nice, but it does not compare with a truly committed and loving lifelong marriage with the man you love."

This year, several members of the next generation of Robertsons are planning on tying the knot. Willie and Korie's adopted daughter Rebecca Lo is going to marry her boyfriend of one year, John Reed Loflin, while Jase and Missy's son Reed is going to marry his longtime girlfriend, Brighton Thompson.

Last year, Willie and Korie's 19-year-old son, John Luke Robertson, married his highschool sweetheart, Mary Kate. Recently, when asked "What are the five qualities people should look for in a future spouse?" Robertson replied, "Forgiveness, patience, only dependent on God, laughs at your jokes and herself, attractive to you."

Earlier, he told Richmond.com, "As far as relationships and marriage goes, we've discovered that the ones that put God first in their relationship last and the ones who put themselves first don't." John Luke Robertson said. "Our relationship is based on God in the fact that through His word, marriage is something holy and sacred, so we're in this to make that holy and sacred marriage ... We know we're going to stick together and figure it out no matter our emotions." 

Season 10 of "Duck Dynasty" premieres July 6th on A&E at 9/8c.