The faith and Christian values showcased in the reality television show "Duck Dynasty" may have taken a hit in the past months, but at the 22nd Annual MOVIEGUIDE Faith & Values Awards Gala, the show took home top honors for television.
On Friday, February 7 in Los Angeles, CA at the Universal Hilton Hotel, Willie Robertson and wife Korie represented their family at the awards ceremony.
"We're so honored we are here," Korie said during the ceremony. "You get to vote on what kind of entertainment you want to see."
The Movieguide Faith & Values Awards honors media such as television and film for their positive family values and faith. "Duck Dynasty" was awarded the honor of the Faith & Freedom Award in television.
"Duck Dynasty" set records for the network A&E as being the "the most-watched nonfiction cable series in history." The show focuses on the duck-hunting family's rise to wealth in their own business Duck Commander, but notably the family has expressed their Christian values and beliefs publicly. The theme of family and God's love is openly used throughout the show and the family is even seen praying in all seasons. The Christian values in a highly-viewed television show has been embraced by Christian audiences and conservative politicians, such as Sarah Palin and Mike Huckabee.
"We're excited to attend an awards show that honors and recognizes actors, directors, writers, producers and executives providing a positive message in film and programming," Korie Robertson told in an interview with FOX 411.
The honor comes after the highly publicized controversy that almost saw the end of the show. The infamous interview with patriarch Phil Robertson in GQ caused an uproar when Robertson spoke against homosexuality and called it a sin. The backlash from the gay community and organizations caused the network to suspend Phil Robertson.
However, the Robertson family stood behind their patriarch and fans petitioned for his return with over one million people threatening to boycott the A&E network if the decision was not reversed. Additionally, a petition of over 250,000 signatures was also in support for the return of Phil Robertson. The network ultimately reversed the decision, and season 5 aired on January 15, 2014 with the inclusion of Phil Robertson.
Founder of Movieguide, Dr. Ted Baehr was honored to have the Robertsons at hand for the ceremony and to recognize the success of the show.
"I think they were pretty beaten down by the media following Phil's interview last year, and went through a period of extreme angst," said Baehr. "But they're so excited to be coming and they're bringing the family."
With the backlash from the GQ magazine seemingly behind them and the start of a new season, the Robertson family continues to succeed with their Christian values and faith in a conflicted media.
"We're so honored, and we want to thank the Lord," Willie added. "I'm thankful I get to work with my family every day."