'Duck Dynasty's Jase Robertson Makes a Case for Christ, A Call to Follow the Way to life

Jase Robertson
Jase Robertson

Jase Robertson makes a case for Christ in his latest sermon. He talks about his own struggles with sin and how his father turned to Christ, and it subsequently led the rest of the family to God, too. He preached the sermon at Whites Ferry Road Church last weekend.

He gives credit to a man named Bill Smith, for being one of the first people to share Jesus with his father.

"When that is real in your life, things start to change," he said.

He talked about how, years later, Willy had a plan to get the "Duck Dynasty" show off the ground, but how he didn't believe in it at the time.

However, he was astounded at how the show took off, and how God had a plan.

"I was escorted out of the Trump Hotel," He said. "This guy thought we were homeless. If we were to tell him we were about to be on a show where millions of people were to watch that, he would have busted out laughing."

He talks about how God is first among the Robertson's, then family, then ducks.

"I'm not ashamed that Jesus Christ is my lord," he said. " We use what has happened as a way to say Jesus Christ is the son of God."

He artfully interlaces funny stories and anecdotes to bring this point home, talking about his transformation, and Phil Robertson's transformation too.

"I started dating girls, in order that they could help me get to heaven," he said. "When they got in the car I gave them a speech."

When I told it to Missy, she said,'it sounds good to me,'" he said.

Duck Dynasty’s Missy and Jase Robertson
Jase Robertson

He uses his duck calls to demonstrate how you have to make the right call to get the ducks to come. He defends hunting, and shows how it helps man keep the natural order of things.

If you are in a culture where a bird is worth more, or the punishment is more severe than if you do something to a human baby, that's a harsh reality."

He talks about being in the woods, and seeing the beauty in the design. He talks about being led to a creator through the experience.

Finally he looks at the emptiness of science, and how many people have faith in it, even though they don't really understand science, and it is growing in complexity.

"When I hear about it getting more complex, it makes me believe more in an intelligent designer behind this," he said.

"Jesus Christ is indestructible and imperishable," he said.

Duck Dynasty's Jase Robertson
Duck Dynasty's Jase Robertson