English Parishioners Raise Funds for Bulgarian Church

Rising against the current tide of decreased offerings that has closed several church doors in England, parishioners in Suffolk have single-handedly raised more than the £10,000 ($17,000) needed to build a church in Bulgaria.

"The wonderful thing is that the amount represents real generosity from all members of our churches,” said the Reverend Robin King, of St. Mary the Virgin. St Mary’s began a link with a Methodist Church in Russe, Bulgaria nearly four years ago.

During the summer of 2003, the Pastor of Russe, Daniel Nalbantsky, asked the Parishioners in England to help raise the £11,500 needed to buy land and build a new church next year in the suburbs of Russe. Soon, churches from Assington, Bures and Little Cornard joined in the effort.

"People were moved to respond when they saw such a need,” said Rev. King. "After the service when we counted the money I was amazed we'd reached our target in just one go.”

Pastor Nalbantsky thanked the congregants for their kindness.

"This is indeed an exceptional generosity of your people,” said Nalbantsky.