Haiti – Haiti, one of the most impoverished Caribbean nations, will celebrate its 200th anniversary of independence amid hyperinflation, scarcity and starvation. In response, Food for the Poor will prepare 11-million pounds of milk for those demanding accountability from its impecunious government.
"We are flooding all the countries with a tremendous amount of milk. We are also increasing our shipments of food to all our islands and our Central American countries, particularly in Haiti, which is, of all the countries we serve, it's by far, the poorest,” said FFP’s Angel Aloma.
The Island plans to dedicate itself to “voodoo” during its 200th year ceremony, making it the first nation to adopt witchcraft as their national religion. Therefore, FFP members see the humanitarian aid ias a penultimate step towards evangelizing the nation.
"We work almost exclusively with Christian churches in Haiti. By doing that, we are empowering those churches to be able to spread the Gospel in a more acceptable manner."