Exhibition Shows Development of Bible Work in China

An exhibition displaying the Bible ministry of the Chinese churches is currently being displayed at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center August 5-10

An exhibition displaying the Bible ministry of the Chinese churches is currently being shown at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center with the title “A Lamp to My Feet and a Light For My Path.” The exhibition, assembled with help from the Hong Kong Bible Society, is being put on by the China Christian Council and the National Committee of the Three-Self Patriotic Movement of Protestant Churches in China (CCC/TSPM), with the support of the Bible Society.

Running from August 5 until August 10, the exhibition covers the period from the founding of the People's Republic in 1949 through the cultural revolution of the 1960s and '70s, when churches were closed and Bibles confiscated and destroyed, to the establishing of the Amity Press, the expansion of nationwide Bible distribution networks by the CCC/TSPM and collaboration with overseas Bible publishers, particularly Bible Societies.

The greater part of the exhibition is based around a 'time tunnel' in nine sections but there will also be live shows featuring a troupe of some 40 singers and dancers giving performances three times a day of Bible-based songs and dances.

Exhibits include historic printed Bibles and others handwritten in secret during the Cultural Revolution. Stories and testimonies of how believers preserved and shared their Bibles during those difficult times are displayed in texts and in short documentary videos.

Meanwhile, the exhibition's centerpiece is a long, solid woodcarving depicting the life and teachings of Jesus. The piece took three master woodcarvers more than three years to make.

"The Hong Kong Bible Society has been entrusted with the task of coordinating the entire event as well as mobilizing the entire Christian community to support the event," said David Wong, the Society's Voluntary General Secretary. "We have strategically planned the venue alongside with the World Congress of Baptist Youth in Hong Kong – with their understanding – to increase the exposure to international visitors."

Each visitor to the exhibition will receive a special souvenir Bible and a daily Bible quiz will offer as prizes the chance to visit Nanjing and Amity Printing Press.