Albania -- A radio outreach is growing again, with the help of a local church. Words of Hope's Lee DeYoung says believers are building relationships once again in the Balkans.
As a result, "Our Albanian programs are now on the air on two different brand new local radio FM stations in Albania. One, in the town of Korce, near the Greek border in southern Albania that is closely connected with Immanuel church, Radio Immanuel, and they're also carrying a gypsy broadcast, in the Balkan-Romani language."
DeYoung says they are excited about the potential for ministry. "Daily programs are also being heard twice a day in each case, five days a week in Tirana, the capital of Albania over a new radio station called 'Radio-7'. So, we're grateful for this increased impact we believe will come from a better coverage on FM."
By Albert H. Lee