Exponential ’04 Conference for Pastors

Generous Giving and Crown Financial Ministries have teamed up to present Exponential ’04, a conference to equip pastors to unleash a revolution of generosity in their churches.

Exponential 04 Conference is scheduled for September 21, 2004 in Atlanta, George. The first exponential conference was launched in 2000 by the Maclellan Foundation, a 50-year leader in Christian grant-making, to stir a renewed, Spirit-led commitment to generosity among Christians.

Just like previous Exponential conferences, this year conference’s theme is also focusing on

reminding rich and poor alike that “It is more blessed to give than to receive”. The conference will direct Pastors how to get a jumpstart on leading, teaching and discipling people toward greater generosity.

As listed on Crown Financial Ministries website, 4 main objectives of the Exponential conference are:

• How to lead and disciple your people in the area of generosity and financial faithfulness so that you may experience a fully-funded, kingdom-focused church.

• How to teach on generosity and financial faithfulness, helping your members apply God’s principles to their financial lives and experience true financial freedom.

• How to develop a congregation that is excited about grace-inspired giving to the work of the church ... where members are spurring one another on to radical generosity.

• How to establish a culture of generosity in your church where giving for kingdom advancement is a natural part of Christian discipleship.

Among various guest speakers at the conference is Rick Warren, author of the best-selling book The Purpose Driven Life, Saddleback Church, Lake Forest California

Exponential Conferences have been developed in response to financial struggles that Pastors are now facing. Chances are, most churchgoers do not know how their pastors struggle before stepping behind the pulpit and talking to them about controversial issues.

“Exponential 04” will propose a new paradigm for generosity and financial faithfulness in the church. The pastors will embrace the role as leader and teacher within the church in the area of finances.

The conference will be beneficial not only to senior pastors but to church administrators, stewardship pastors, and leaders of financial ministries.