Walking Dead Season 6 Release Date on AMC: Fear The Walking Dead Season 6 finale Recap

Fear the Walking Dead
Episode 3 of Fear the Walking Dead will air on Sept. 13 at 9pm ET. Fear the Walking Dead Facebook

With TheWalking Dead Season 6 coming to AMC this fall, the Fear the Walking Dead spin-off continues on with all-new episodes each week. Before reading further, be aware that there will be spoilers ahead.  

What to Expect for Season Finale and Recap

How the series will continue remains in the realm of internet speculation.

Movie Pilot predicts that druggie Nick will end up being a lackey of devious character Strand, who gets his kicks from tormenting fellow detainees. Chris and Alicia might end up dating - despite having gotten off to a rough start. This might not sit well with Cliff and Madison.

The previous week ends with the first major death in the form of, Griselda, who dies from complications involving an amputated leg. "Nurse" Liza puts shoots a metal bolt through Griselda's head to prevent her from reanimating.

Griselda's daughter Ophelia is meanwhile unaware of her mother's death. Perhaps this is a good thing considering that the family's patriarch, Daniel, has just tortured Ophelia's soldier-boyfriend with a razor.

However, Daniel learns of the National Guard's plans to abandon L.A., and euthanize all remaining civilians in the so-called safe zones. Later that evening, he visits a sport stadium to confirm that the militarily intentionally locked thousands of civilians inside - all of whom have turned to zombies.

The final episode of Fear the Walking Dead will air October 4, bringing a close to an otherwise promising first season. Even so, AMC plans to bring Fear back for Season 2.

Walking Dead Season 6 Returning

AMC will return to the main series starting this coming fall. The new season will start with an extended 90-minute premiere on Sunday, October 11 at 9/8c.

During San Diego Comic Con, a TWD panel confirmed that two actors will be joining the cast. Ethan Embry will star as Carter, who is a composite of several characters from the original comic source material.

Actress Merrit Wever stars as Dr. Denise Cloyd, who is a medic and surgeon residing in the Alexandria Safe-Zone. Wever is better known for her Emmy award-winning performance as Zoe Barkow in Nurse Jackie.

Another prominent figure from The Walking Dead comic book series is joining the season 6 lineup of new characters. Played by actor Corey Hawkins, Heath is a new Alexandria supply runner who befriends Glenn Rhee. The African American character is also Denise's love interest.

During another interview with EW, Gimple revealed that The Wolves are coming to the show. In the comics, they are a group of wandering bandits who rob and murder at every opportunity.

The Wolves appear to be an altered version of the The Scavengers, which attacked the Alexandria Safe-Zone in the original TWD comic series.