Floodgate signs Mourning September

After two years of playing for crowds in Oklahoma with bands such as Blindside, Bowling for Soup, Five Iron Frenzy, and The Juliana Theory, Mourning September have been signed to Floodgate Records, who admires how the band has been stirring up the scenes.

“Instantly we became fans of the Mourning September the first time we heard their music. They are just a solid rock band, and we kept hearing their name from other artists that had done shows with them,” states Tim Taber, president of Floodgate Records. “We really became interested however when we saw the momentum the band had created on their own. Since we are a small label, we need bands that are committed to working hard and being on the road. Mourning September has more than proven themselves with how much success they have achieved around their local area.”

Dave Walker, drummer for the band states, "I think it's a perfect match. Floodgate had been on our hearts from the beginning, and we've been fans of all the bands on the label. We are looking forward to good times in the future."

Taber continues, “We’re trying to build a family at Floodgate that is not only concerned with ministry, but with music that has relevance in both the Christian and general markets. Mourning September seems like a perfect fit with the other artists we have on the label.”

Mourning September plans to begin recording their debut album in January, and will release the project in the spring of 2004.