Abolish Abortion Florida launched an online petition to amend the state constitution so that abortion will be considered as first-degree, premeditated murder.
The proposed amendment will apply to both the parties who performed the procedure and the person who had the abortion.
“The people of Florida murder 72,000 babies every year while the ‘pro life’ politicians we’ve elected to protect them attempt to regulate the practice of child sacrifice as if it were healthcare, instead of addressing it as murder,” the petition read.
The group hopes to collect enough signatures to have the Florida constitution amended for the 2018 election ballot. Should the ballot measure pass, the state would impose that unborn babies be given the right to life from the moment of conception.
The proposal would effectively filter out all forms of abortion and cover even abortifacient birth control pills that prevent the embryo from implanting onto the womb. Furthermore, it would prevent the destruction of embryos originally intended for in vitro fertilization but no longer needed.
The petition emphasizes that the government has “the moral, legal, and constitutional duty to establish justice for all human beings within their jurisdiction.” This includes protecting the lives of fatherless babies in the womb.
“Contrary to widespread misinformation, the right to murder humans is not protected by the Constitution and our legislature is not bound by any law or duty to aid or abet the Supreme Court in their attempted perversion of it,” the petition read.
Instead, government officials have sworn an oath to “support, obey and defend the United States Constitution” and prevent possible abuse of the law, the petition said.
“We demand the total and immediate abolition of human abortion,” the petition concluded.
The proposed constitutional amendment did not sit well with pro-choice groups.
Atheist author Hemant Mehta, writing for ‘The Friendly Atheist, said the pro-life group wants “to see women who get abortions executed in case you needed more proof that Christians are often hypocrites.”
“No word yet on whether the women and their doctors should be murdered by way of a firing squad or lethal injection,” Mehta wrote. “But I sent them an email to find out.”
In August, a federal blocked an abortion law to prevent state funding for entities that provide abortion. This was done after Gov. Rick Scott announced he would not pursue legal action.
In June, U.S. District Judge Robert Hinkle also blocked certain parts of the law that were challenged by Planned Parenthood just a few hours before the law would have taken effect. The law would have imposed stricter inspection requirements for termination facilities.