FMA: Christians Must Not Remain Silent

“Unless the church involves itself in its community and the nation, letting its voice be heard through word and action we are, in effect, allowing those who don't believe in God's Word make the laws

With less than one week left until Massachusetts takes the plunge to ‘marry’ gay and lesbian couples, and with no strong developments in codifying a Federal Marriage Amendment, the president of the largest Pentecostal denomination in the nation – the Assemblies of God – called on Christians to break away from their silence.

"It is imperative that the church be heard, that each person in the church lets their voice be heard by our political leaders," states A/G General Superintendent Thomas Trask. "We are at a crisis point in the United States today and we have the ability to do something about it -- to make a difference!"

While surveys consistently show Christian support of a Federal Marriage Amendment, they have been slow to voice their support in the political arena. The members of the church have been nearly silent in support of the “one man one woman” marriage, while pro-gay groups have avidly spoken out of their desire to break the current standards for marriage.

Trask, in his statement, noted that for too long, the church has been satisfied with the “separation of church and state” mentality. Therefore, he said, at this critical time, the church must influence ‘our culture, our nation.’

"Unless the church involves itself in its community and the nation, letting its voice be heard through word and action," Trask explained, "we are, in effect, allowing those who don't believe in God's Word, don't have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, to make the laws that govern our nation, our churches and our families. In this instance, by our silence we are condoning the legalization of gay marriages."

Additionally, the A/G board of Administration adopted a statement fully endorsing and asking pastors and their congregations to support the Federal Marriage Amendment in April.

“The Bible teaches marriage is God-ordained and is to be a life-long commitment between one man and one woman (Matthew 19:4,5). . . . There is absolutely no affirmation of homosexual activity found anywhere in Scripture. However, there is abundant evidence that homosexual behavior, along with illicit heterosexual behavior, is immoral and comes under the judgment of God,” it read.

"It doesn't matter if your Congressmen or Congresswomen are Democrats or Republicans," Trask said. "They need to hear from you. Let your voice -- and your convictions -- be heard."

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