Former Archbishop of Canterbury Lord Carey Calls on British Gov't to 'Banish Evil British Jihadis'

The Islamic State is attracting a growing number of militants from Great Britain and other countries. (Photo: AP) AP

Lord George Carey, who served as the Archbishop of Canterbury from 1991-2002, says those who leave Britain's shores to engage in terrorism should not be allowed to return, and should have their passports revoked.

The former Archbishop of Canterbury made his thoughts clear in the Daily Mail on Sunday.  Although he started off by establishing that his words were not directed at the entire Islamic faith, and that he was in hope that "the menacing advance of the Islamic State in Iraq would not prejudice people against all Muslims," he did aim to shine a light on the "darker side" of radical Islam.  

"In recent weeks, we have heard desperate reports of  barbaric violence - including crucifixions and beheadings - accompanying the onward march of the terrorist group calling themselves 'Islamic State' (IS, formerly ISIS)," he wrote.

"Even worse, about 500 of these murderous thugs, criminals and rapists are said to be Britons and a further 1,500 from other parts of Europe."

He pointed out that both James Foley and Daniel Pearl were both murdered by radicalized Brits.  He said it was these young terrorist, who had been raised up in British schools, that needed to understand that there was no way back to civilized society.  

"It may focus their minds to know that the privileges and luxuries of our country (including our gyms, games consoles and relative peacefulness) will be denied to them in future," he wrote in the Daily Mail. " It will take a brave Government to carry out this intent but it is my feeling that the majority of our fellow citizens want this to happen."

"They should not have access to the privilege of travelling under a British passport with the accompanying consular protection - and they certainly should not be able to travel back to their shores with the barbaric and bloodthirsty skills they have gained," he said.

Carey established that Christianity has been prevalent in Iraq and Syria long before Islam, and it has also been more prevalent in Britain, too.

"In Britain's hospitable establishment different beliefs were welcomed but only one was pre-eminent - Christianity," Carey wrote.

"The fact is that for too long the doctrine of multiculturalism has led to immigrants establishing completely separate communities in our cities. This has led to honour killings, female genital circumcision and the establishment of sharia law in inner-city pockets throughout the UK."

He feels than mainstream Muslims are fed up with seeing their young people being radicalized, but they, like many other Britons, feel powerless to stop it.   

He is hoping the "better idea" of a democratic society can help thwart the "bad idea" of radicalization.  

"This year we are reminded by the commemoration of two world wars that the values of our democratic traditions are precious. Our fathers and grandfathers - including many thousands of Muslims from around the Commonwealth - fought against totalitarianism for the survival of democratic virtues. The bloodthirsty advance of IS is a reminder that totalitarianism is far from dead. Our fight continues," he concluded.