Former President Gerald Ford Prays for Bush

Former President Gerald Ford says he prays for God to bless President Bush. According to World, Ford, who turns 90 this month, recently returned to the White House where the president and first lady hosted a dinner to celebrate his birthday.

Asked what he would want to ask God for on his birthday, the 38th president of the United States said: "My wish would be for our current president, George W. Bush. I understand the enormity of his responsibilities, the never-ending complexities of the Oval Office, and I'm favorably impressed with his leadership. My wish is that God protect President Bush and bless him with continued wisdom, strength and resolve to fulfill his noble mission."

In good health and still active, Ford taught Sunday school as an adult at Grace Episcopal Church in Grand Rapids, Mich. He told World that one of his favorite Bible passages is Proverbs 3:5-6, which says, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight."

He said this and other scriptures have been "a steady compass and guide, as well as a source of solace to me in my personal and political life." Ford added that the words "In God We Trust" on America's currency are more than a national motto to him.

"From the beginning," he said, "America has declared her dependence on God and placed our trust in Him. This is one of our country's strengths