Evangelist Franklin Graham is urging Christians nationwide to join him in praying that God will give America a faithful president - despite an admittedly "ugly" campaign.
"I am praying for God to give us a president, a vice president, and other leaders in this country who will acknowledge Him and look to Him for direction. But no matter who is in the Oval Office, God is still on His throne. My hope is in Him. He is what our country needs. 'And now, O Lord, for what do I wait? My hope is in you' (Psalm 39:7)," Graham, the leader of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and Samaritan's Purse, wrote on Facebook on Tuesday.
The evangelist noted that the American Psychological Association reported that according to a new survey on stress in America, 52 percent of U.S. adults say the 2016 election is a very or somewhat significant source of stress. The APA dubbed this phenomenon "Election Stress Disorder." The survey, conducted by Harris Poll, found that the stress is bipartisan, affecting 55 percent of registered Democrats and 59 percent of registered Republicans.
Graham, who has said he will not endorse Republican nominee Donald Trump or Democratic rival Hillary Clinton for president, said both politicians have engaged in an "ugly campaign season with a lot of surprises."
"Yes, both candidates need God's help. Yes, this is a critical election and a lot is at stake - namely the Supreme Court. There's no question that Christians need to pray, to be involved, and to vote even in a tough election," he added.
He also urged Christians to refrain from becoming discouraged and to turn to the Bible for encouragement, because ultimately God is in control.
Billy Graham's son, who recently finished the last leg of his Decision America Tour in North Carolina with a crowd of over 14,200, frequently warns that the moral and spiritual trajectory of our nation will not change unless Americans elect God-fearing politicians to office.
"'If a ruler listens to falsehood, all his officials will be wicked' (Proverbs 29:12)," Graham wrote in a recent issue of Decision magazine. "When the president of the United States and those around him actively adopt and promote iniquity, then that evil becomes systemic, spreading through the courts, schools, businesses, and state and local governments, infecting virtually every level of public life."
"This is why November's elections-local, state and national-are so critical...[We] must do what we can to make our voices heard through the electoral process," he said. "We must examine the issues and the candidates and vote for those we feel best fit our Christian worldview."