Franklin Graham Weighs In on Dallas Shooting: 'I Support and Back Law Enforcement 100 Percent'

Franklin Graham
Franklin Graham is the president of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and Samaritan's Purse Billy Graham Evangelistic Association

After five police officers were gunned down in Dallas, TX, on Thursday, Rev. Franklin Graham said he supports law enforcement "100%" and urged Americans to continue to pray for those who everyday risk their lives to protect their country.

In a Facebook post shared on Friday, the 64-year-old leader of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association expressed sorrow over the racial division and unrest currently seen across the country.

"As a nation of 320+ million people, we have ancestries originating in Europe, Africa, Asia, the Middle East, South America, North America-truly a melting pot of the whole world," he said. "And God has blessed this nation more than any other. We are all Americans, and that should unify us."

The police in the United States have a significant purpose, and serve to protect the the millions of law-abiding citizens from criminals, the evangelist contended.

"Our law enforcement is what stands between us and total anarchy," he said. "I support and back them 100%. Think about it-without them, we would be at the mercy of thugs, thieves, rapists, murderers and those who want to poison our young people with drugs. They're the 'blue line' standing between us and those would like to harm us. They're the ones running toward the danger, rather than away from it, in order to protect us."

However, there are certainly police officers who make terrible mistakes, as seen in the shooting deaths of Alton Sterling and Philandro Castile, both black men, sparking protests across the country.

"What happened last week in MN and LA was absolutely tragic, and my heart goes out to those families," Graham said. "The officers involved in these incidents will have their day in court."

However, it's of the utmost importance that Christians continue to pray for those serving in law enforcement as they put their lives on the line every day, Graham said

"Let's pray that God would give them good judgement and the right demeanor as they have to make critical decisions instantly," he concluded. "I hope you'll join me in expressing your support and prayers for them...when you see them in person. And continue to pray for the families of the five officers who were killed and the seven officers wounded in Dallas."

Meanwhile, Graham, the son of prominent evangelist Billy Graham, is urging believers to join him in praying for the United States ahead of the Republican and Democratic National Conventions later this month.

"One week from today-Monday, July 18, at 12:00 Noon Eastern-I'm asking you to pray with me live on Facebook just before the Republican National Convention opens," he said in a Facebook post shared Monday. "Then the following Monday, July 25, before the opening of the Democratic National Convention, we will pray together again. Ask your friends to join us as well-we need the whole nation praying."

He added, "We will pray for our broken nation and for America's future. We will pray for these political conventions and the upcoming election. God's Word tells us that if we humble ourselves, confess our sins, and turn from our wicked ways, God will heal our land (2 Chronicles 7:14). He's the only one who can."