Sony Playstation News: New Game Added to Sony’s PS2-on-PS4 Catalog, Full List

PlayStation 2
PlayStation 2 Console Wikimedia Commons/Evan-Amos

Ever since the PlayStation 2 emulation service was announced, Sony's has been treating PlayStation 4 users with games originally released from the old console. And now, the tech giant will once again unveil a new game for its PS2-on-PS4 lineup.

According to Gamespot, joining the growing list of PlayStation 2 games for the PlayStation 4 console is "Primal," which first came out in 2003. The game, which is the 26th title in the lineup, follows the story of a female protagonist named Jennifer Tate. As Tate, players will have to go through various realms battling different kinds of demons in search of the character's boyfriend.

As the game progresses, gamers learn more about the mysterious worlds as well as Tate's true character and that of her boyfriend.

When the game first came out for the PlayStation 3, it received average reviews and mainly appealed to fans of the dark-themed adventure games. Of course, once players get their hands on the new "Primal," they will certainly notice a few significant improvements in terms of its gameplay and overall look.

For one, PS2-on-PS4 games are not simply remasters. Instead, they have been redesigned to run on the latest gaming technology of the PlayStation 4 console. However, that also means that these titles don't come at a cheap price. As noted by various sources, gamers can expect to pay around $10 to $15 for these revamped PS2 titles.

Clearly, the PS2-on-PS4 service is Sony's answer to Microsoft's backwards compatibility, which allows Xbox One gamers to reminisce by playing through their favorite Xbox 360 games. Like Sony's service, Microsoft's backwards compatibility also makes use of an emulator. And, since it already got a head start on its service, Microsoft has more games in its current lineup than Sony.

As for Sony, the company still has quite a number of games in its PS2-on-PS4 lineup that gamers can choose from. Currently, the full roster includes:

- "Arc the Lad: Twilight of the Spirits"

- "Bully"

- "Dark Cloud"

- "Dark Cloud 2"

- "Fantavision"

- "Grand Theft Auto III"

- "Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas"

- "Grand Theft Auto: Vice City"

- "GTA: The Trilogy"

- "Kinetica"

- "The King of Fighters 2000"

- "Max Payne"

- "Manhunt"

- "Okage: Shadow King"

- "PaRappa the Rapper 2"

- "Primal"

- "Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords"

- "Rise of the Kasai"

- "Rogue Galaxy"

- "Star Wars Bounty Hunter"

- "Star Wars Jedi Starfighter"

- "Star Wars Racer Revenge"

- "The Mark of Kiri"

- "Twisted Metal Black"

- "War of the Monsters"

- "Wild Arms 3"