Geng Xin college offers intensive course open two courses for believers and leaders to improve their performance in serving. The two intensive classes are on:
1) July, 2nd - 4th, 2005
2)September, 3rd - 5th, 2005
Saturday and Monday: 9am – 4pm
Sunday: 3pm -10pm
846 Stewart Drive,
2nd FL,
Sunnyvale, CA 94085
The purpose of the intensive course is to give training for both believers and leaders in serving God in an effective and efficient way on how to train workers.
The course offered on July 2nd through July 4th, is based upon a called ‘Book of Job Studies’ (BIB 124). This course will help students to understand the background of the book of Job, structure and theology behind. This course will focus on the main message of the book and to discuss and apply in today’s world, Christians’ lives and application.
The course offers on 3rd – 5th, September is ‘Evangelism and discipleship’ (Min 101). This course will focus on evangelism, advance training and discipleship. The purpose is to equip students to spread the gospels and to become spiritual leader.
To obtain more information and application documents, please visit Great Commission Centre International at 1101 San Antonio Road, Suite 400, Mountain View, CA 94043. Tel (650) 968-2985 / Email: