The number one challenge pertaining to kids is not getting their attention but keeping it. Usually, kids grow restless easily and always need a constant change in activity and environment to keep them satisfied and quiet. Getting kids to like going to church can be difficult for some parents, and sometimes, bringing along toys or taking them outside during service is the only way to dodge crying and tantrums.
Kids may not like going to church because they don’t understand why they need to go. However, parents should educate their children well and train them to perceive going the church as something done out of love for the Lord to prevent ritualistic misconceptions later in life. Here are some ways to make going to church more enjoyable for kids:
1. “Why?”
Probably, the most popular question asked by kids. Kids are very inexperienced and highly curious about the world. They want to understand and it should be the responsibility of an older adult to explain to them in terms they can understand and accept. Why do I go to church, the kid may wonder. First, explain to them how the God is the creator of the world and gave them everything in their lives. Church is a time and place where we can go to meet Him, “visit” Him, and thank Him for all He’s done and is going to do. Just like taking a kid would visit his grandparents, try showing God as a father figure who will give them lots of love when they come visit Him.
2. Do not bring toys along.
Unless for extremely small babies and premature toddlers, bringing toys to church only takes the focus off of what is important. It goes back to the sin of man, how we chase after material things instead of prioritizing the spiritual life ahead. Instead, if the child really does have a short-attention span and will not remain still in church, try enlisting the child in a Sunday school class where they can learn about the teachings in the Bible in active learning style.
3. Practice for Service
Training kids is definitely a plus. Spending time at home with them and going through the Service to explain the parts will help them look forward to the service more. Picking songs and practicing singing at home together can make the actual worship and praise at service more fun. During service, also try body worshipping with the child and make a good example of how to rejoice in the Lord’s goodness.
Kids should enjoy the innocence of their youth but not be ignorant about the profound presence of God in their lives. Teaching them early about the meaning of the Sabbath Day can help start them on a path of faith that is sure to bring them closer to the Lord.