Gifted, the soulful revolutionary faith-based TV show, has recently faced conflicts within media groups. Updates of the to-be-released show had rapidly circulated among the media and Christian communities. However, Fremantle, the producers of American Idol questioned the similarity of the Gifted show's format to that of American Idol.
Despite successes of the show's popularity on previous promotions, founders of Gifted Show, Wright Entertainment Group, have come across several obstacles. The company feels that the show should be clearly distinguished from American Idol. Wright Entertainment plans to change the format of Gifted into a new and unique format that will distinguish it from any previous television shows that would claim similar content.
Gifted will air on the Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN) - a media company that is aspiring to unite with its secular counterparts while maintaining its Christian identity.
"TBN standards are high," noted Crouch. "TBN was interested in a public relations firm that was creative, had business intelligence, was familiar with the secular media marketplace and was performance driven."