Golden State Warriors’ Stephen Curry Shares His Christian Faith

Stephen Curry
Stephen Curry

National Basketball Association (NBA) point guard Stephen Curry shared his faith in Jesus Christ in a recent Decision Magazine article. In spite of his immense success as a basketball player, Curry has done well to deflect attention from himself to his Savior.

Related: NBA MVP Stephen Curry Keeps Focus on God While Competing in NBA Playoffs 2015 

Stephen Curry averaged 24.6 points and nine assists per game this season, making him one of the highest-ranked scorers and passers in the NBA. He also set the record for the most three-pointers in a season last year, and was called "one of the best shooters the NBA will ever see" by Miami Heat star LeBron James. The Golden State Warriors point guard also played in his first NBA All-Star game this past Sunday.

What's even more spectacular than Curry's three-point percentage is his walk with Christ both on and off the court. His coach, teammates, and fans admire his ability to remain humble in light of his incredible talent. "He's the type of guy you look at and say, 'That's how I want my son to be,'" Warriors coach Mark Jackson says of Curry - "It's a great testament to who he is and the God he serves."

Knowing that the Lord has given him talent for a reason, Curry is quick to direct praise to his Savior. "I know where my talent comes from," the NBA star says - "I know why I play the game, and it's not to score 30 points a night, but it's to use the stage I'm on. I've been put here for a specific purpose: to be a witness and to share my testimony as I go through it."

Curry has done just that; he is vocal about his faith in Christ, sharing the hope that he has with others. "I love that basketball gives me the opportunities to do good things for people and to point them towards the Man who died for our sins on the cross," he told the Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) in an interview. The point guard writes Bible verses on his sneakers, and often gives credit to the Almighty when he makes a shot, pointing his finger to the heavens - "The people who are watching basketball games might not know that somebody's trying to witness to them while they're playing, but it's something that I try to do," he told Prodigal Magazine.

Curry says he strives to be a good husband and father, and is on guard against placing his identity in basketball. "There's more to me than just this jersey I wear, and that's Christ living inside of me," he says.