GoPro is rumored to release the Hero 5 in the fourth quarter of the year. The complete features of the camera are not yet available, but a leaked video may give us a glimpse on the much-anticipated Hero 5. Here's what is currently known about GoPro Hero 5 release date, specs and rumors.
The leaked footage of Hero 5 was posted on Reddit and Vimeo. It looks like the how-to videos from Go Pro's mobile apps, as it shows the process of connecting the Hero 5 to a smartphone.
Konrad Iturbe, a self-proclaimed hacker and GoPro fan, uploaded the video on Vimeo. The user reportedly found the footage inside the official GoPro app under the filename "add_camera_hero5.mp4."
The nine-second video only shows the back of the next GoPro camera, but it hints there will be a few major hardware and software changes.
One of the noticeable changes is the bigger touchscreen display on the back of Hero 5.This big touchscreen display hints that the sports camera would not have a bus connector, which allows users to attach LCD screens, extra batteries and other accessories.
In addition, it appears there would be a new, simplified touchscreen interface for Hero 5. The viewfinder offers accessible controls for Wi-Fi, microphone, and options menu. Also, the drop menu shows the microphone and Wi-Fi can be turned off, which would be a new feature for the camera.
In terms of body dimension, the next GoPro camera might have rounded edges, making it look more like a big version of the Session. It is also possible that the camera has water-proof body.
According to the Verge, if this is the real Hero 5, it is not going to be a big departure from GoPro's other products. Based on the leaked features, the sports camera looks pretty standard.
Interestingly, there's a curious option in the 0:07-mark of the video. Under the "Connections" menu, there's something called "GoPro Sniper," which appears to be GoPro's upcoming device.
Take note that GoPro has not yet announced the Hero 5 officially, so we should take this latest leak with a proverbial pinch of salt. It is also possible that this is not the final version of the camera.
While waiting for Hero 5, GoPro is expected to release its own VR camera called, Omni, on August 17. The camera is now available for pre-order at $5,000 for a complete package.
Stick with Gospel Herald for more information.