Grace Like Rain

Todd Agnew

Christian artist Todd Agnew’s album “Grace like Rain” inspires, captivates, and rocks! His unique voice of passion will provide a down-to-earth atmosphere, simply revealing his love for God. Included in the CD are songs that directly speak to the listeners. Powerful lyrics may truly hit the core of Christian’s lives and allow them to reflect on their path of faith.

From Hymn to Contemporary, Agnew can pull it off, almost effortlessly. Both Christians and non-Christians would enjoy listening to this. “Grace like Rain,” a remake of the old hymn, “Amazing Grace,” truly is exciting and thought-provoking, as the old and the new combines. It is also a very popular hit on radio, constantly warming the souls out in the world. “Fragile Breath” has power to stir and pierce the heart. Other great songs such as “Wait for Your Rain” and “Still Here Waiting” reveals another deeper part of the heart of repentance.

Not only a man with a great voice, but Todd Agnew truly shines as a precious tool of God. Through this album, we can be reminded of the grace that God pours abundantly upon us.

One fan shares, “Not only was it touching to the heart, it awoke my soul. Todd has a different sound. If you like Christian lyrics, but crave a more rock beat, this album is definitely for you. “

This is a definite keeper.