Grace Ministries Expands Outreach in Tanzania

Educational opportunities are making inroads for the gospel in Tanzania. Grace Ministries' Sam Vinton reports they've made advancements in providing secondary school education in two locations. "The schools are exploding with a number of students. We have eight short-termers going out there to work anywhere from three to two years to teach English and other subjects in schools. This is become just one of the tremendous things happening in that part of the country to open up the government to see what we have been trying to do for many years." Vinton says the impact will be seen for many years to come. "When you have five, six, seven hundred young people in high school, we have chapels, Bible is one of the required subjects, this just gives us a tremendous not only evangelistic tool, but a provision for the churches to have educated people who will be able to lead the church."

By Pauline J.