Gospel duo Mary Mary, who took home Grammys for the best Gospel performance, openly expressed their support for California’s Proposition 8 on Sunday, doing what few in the entertainment industry have done, let alone admit to doing.
"Yes, we will say we voted for marriage in its traditional form," the sisters said following their win Sunday evening, according to Fox News.
"We believe marriage should be how it was traditionally, a man and a woman," they added.
Last year, prominent celebrities in the entertainment industry made a last-minute drive to prevent Prop. 8 from passing, fueling the “No on 8” campaign with millions of dollars and drawing criticism from conservatives already rankled over Hollywood’s funneling of sex, violence, and profanity into American society and overseas.
Despite efforts, Proposition 8 passed by a 52-to-48 percent vote, effectively defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman and removing California from the small list of states that had legalized gay marriage.
Last week, however, the California Supreme Court announced their intention to hear oral arguments concerning the constitutionality of Proposition 8 on Mar. 5. In addition to considering challenges to the amendment, the court will consider the fate of 18,000 same-sex marriages that occurred before the November election.