by Shawn Pearson
From jungle gyms to monkey bars,
to tilt-a-whirls and bumper cars,
advice is given for us to take,
Hold on tight for Heaven’s sake!
Warned always to tighten my grip,
Tighter still child, you don’t want to slip.
To hang on for dear life that’s the way that I know,
And now Jesus, my Savior, bids me Let Go.
White-knuckled resistance has me holding on tighter,
buckling beneath burdens that never grow lighter.
I must cling to all things, be as strong as I can,
to loosen my grip makes me less of a man.
His voice again, Child please try to understand,
Your life fits best in my nail-pierced hand.
Your pain will subside, your confusion will cease,
if the hold on your life you would only release.
Lord I’m releasing but I still am quite wary,
do you promise to catch me and from there to carry?
It hurts to hold on so let go I must,
a new theme for my life: in Jesus I trust.